I've got a puddle of water right next to where my modem used to be. It's sitting on the desk safely now and I can't be arsed to clean up the mess this late at night. Meh.
Yea. I can defrost freezers at 2am in the morning but I can't wipe a wee puddle of water. That's me in a nutshell.
a french erotic film.
i swear, this is some kind of sabotage. got the adrenal cortexes dancing in front of me.
i knew it!! addictive, isn't it??!!
*fist pump* YES!!
you have no idea the multiple singalongs cherie and i had in the lib when we were supposed to study. even taught it to boris and all.
hahahah!!! boris joined in the gang?? cool!!
my influence shall be larger than ever!! mwahahahah!!!
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