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Saturday, May 28, 2005



Some people sleep at 3.30am in the morning. Others just stay up to defrost their own freezer.It was like a mini ais kacang festival going on in my sink.

Oh, it was cool with all the ice but it was horrible when all the ice melted and started dripping onto the food below and it took me awhile before I realised the pan below the freezer part of the fridge was to collect the dripping water and send it somewhere else (somewhere behind the fridge).

So anyway, after it, I got back my Big Clean Freezer. Lol. No really. This would be my freezer on one of its better days. Otherwise there would be mega chunks of ice covering just about everything in the freezer making it look like a snowstorm just occurred. And to quote Joyce, "There was enough ice in there to sink a Titanic."

Made some supper after that, watched a couple more episodes of Gilmore Girls, took a shower and strangely still do not feel sleepy. Must be the instant cappuccino I had about 10 hours ago. Drank roughly 50ml of it and the caffeine shot straight to my brain. But seriously. I feel so awake. Like I could do maybe 50 more pages of Structure & Bonding.

Hm. I think I will. Caffeine is a funny thing, init?


Anonymous said...

u think thats bad, here i am at 6.18 am. Here's some good advice, dont sleep for more than 5 hours in the afternoon.

wazzo said...

hahah. 6am. okay, point taken. ;)

Anonymous said...

damn. was about to say, oh look! thine sink befell the same fate as mine sink! before i took a closer look.

Cherie said...

u can still say: thine freezer befell the same fate as mine freezer. haha

Anonymous said...

no it didn't. it probably did not have a rabbit aircon in it.

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