Excellent stuff this. If you aren't already in love with it, I suggest you try it out.
So, the dumb moment for the week was when I found out the MUET exam application closing date was today. And that was after I went all out of my way to the cashier's office to buy, yes, BUY the application form for RM2. Gee, I felt so stupid after seeing the closing date. Hahah. And to think I spent RM2 on it. That's one foosball game, mmkay! And one taufoofa from outside Vista B with 2 currypuffs from the Malay store upstairs (Gosh! That's one breakfast already!). Expensive MUET form. Stupid ridiculously soon closing date. Hmph!
Anyhow, I studied in the library today and got engaged and married to Jessycca somewhere between the growth hormone and vasopressin module notes. Then I started wondering how it is that cat's purr. Like what's the mechanism with which it happens. That compelled me to the comp lab just to check and waste possibly another half hour playing Kingdom of Loathing. Good stuff that game. Generously interspersed with bits of total randomness.
I'm really getting annoyed by Weezer's "Make Believe" album. "You're my beeesstt friennndddd and I loooovvveee yooouuu". Hahahah!! I would've expected much better song lyrics from the popples who came out with stuff like "I'm dumb, she's a lesbian... If I'm a dog then you're a bitch..." from Pinkerton. Hahah, ok, so I might have been slightly influenced by "Make Believe" album reviews here and there saying it's crap and that Pinkerton was much better bla bla. Totally agree.
Off to Jessy's for M'sian Idol now!
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