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Thursday, June 09, 2005

The Eve of Failure.

Today marks the day before the day I fail my Sem 1 Physiology exam. Everybody note it down in your calenders and make sure you mourn this day every year till you're about 29 years old. You can make your friends mourn with you as well. It doesn't matter. Somehow, someday, they too will know what it's like to spend every waking moment trying to memorise the effects of vasopressin or what the difference is between cortisol and glucocorticoid and God only knows what receptor tyrosine kinases do and then end up forgetting them 2 minutes later.

So, today, shall be remembered.

I ate mangoes at Shu Ning's place today.



And then Boris 'the hot med guy' slept in a very comfortable position.


Even more so are his pick-up lines. Among the ones I remember are:

Guy: So, where's your broom?
Girl: What broom?
Guy: You know, the one you used to sweep me off my feet.


You know the about the recent tsunamis occurring and all, well, they didn't begin because of the earthquakes. They began with the tremors of my heart.


Whenever there's a blackout, I want you to be there with me. Why? Because you're the light of my life.

Corny as they may sound, they're entertaining. Especially to break the monotony of studying in the library. Hahah! Oh, yah! And he gave valuable last-minute-studying tips! Like, just read through the page and when you come to a paragraph or something you don't understand, flip the page. Move on.

Well, I think it's time to put an end to the Day of the Eve of the Failing of the Physio Exam. Whatever happens, whatever you didn't study, will NOT come out.


Anonymous said...

haha damn i have to link this one to boris... he would be so proud.

i'm packing for kuching. trying to contemplate bringing physio and biopharm and foundation chem. i wish i can tell them, screw you all, but i dont have the balls.

oh yeah you want anything back from the land of no electricity? dont be shy...

wazzo said...

orangutan fur.

Anonymous said...

god. you nasty.

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