Blog Archive

Monday, May 23, 2005

Dinner today was good.

Yumm. I should award myself the Boastful Cook Award 2005.Yumm. I know you want some. Dun lie.Prego store-bought sauce, terung, chicken slices, mushroom, a load of onion and another load of garlic, coarse black pepper. Sautéed in melted butter.

And more food because I like, am a pig, you know.Hrm. Green vegetable with Chinese mushroom, egg toufu and garlic in oyster sauce. Kangkong in Thai-style chilli sauce (Renard's alternative to kangkong sambal belacan cuz we didn't have the belacan nor the sambal). Nuggets. A plateful of Maggi Mee and a bowlful of different perencah Maggi Mee in hot water. Lol. Our idea of a wholesome meal.

Okay, props to the happy people who cooked the food served above:

Here's a picture of the burnt garlic Renard burnt cause he couldn't sauté properly.Some say I should've helped him save the garlic. I say let him learn his lesson and be more appreciative of the garlic he sautés next time. ;)

That's all for tonight. I have some Gilmore Girls to watch. Lol. Only watched two episodes and I'm hooked!! =P


Cherie said...

gilmore girls is nice! dunno y they stopped showing it on tv.. :( wad season r u watching?

Anonymous said...

awwwwwwwww.....u guys look like such a happy family...KELUARGA BAHAGIA.....hey come u never cook for me (your twin) before? cos i have to admit that dish looks delicious............hehe...i am missing da foosball table already...*sigh..parting is such exquisite sorrow...when will i touch my beloved table again?.....hehe..

wazzo said...

hahaha!! ee lynn!! you dramaqueen!!! you'll get to touch your table soon enough!! you do well for your exams first!! =P

hm. im watching the first season. didn't follow the series on tv much. joyce has the first season on cds!!

oh yahh, i also figured that i wouldnt cook for others but i'll cook WITH others. that way, if it turns oout bad, the blames not on one person!

Anonymous said...

if burnt onion tastes good, shouldn't garlic work along the same lines as well?

eh. read my latest entry: 1st 2 paragraphs. and do something about it.


and i promiSE i will be the loudest cheering from the 1st floor come thurs. hell i'll even hang from the railings if you so insist.

wazzo said...

i insist. i do.

Anonymous said...

oh. alrght.

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