So anyway, I was merrily joyfully, carefree-ly checking out my blog in all it's wonderous splendour when something hit me. The date of the previous update. I know I've seen before. About a million times. About the million times that I come here to look at the pretty pictures and get awed like it's the first time I'm looking at them.
So it said Monday 23rd May 2005. But wait, I thought to myself. I didn't update tonight at all!! And... I was pretty sure I didn't have spaghetti for dinner today.
The usual. MSNed Steph, MSNed Mei Fong to double check and they told me the same thing.
It was crazy. My computer clock said 24th 11something pm. My phone said Tuesday 24th 11something pm. But I didn't believe them. I was pretty sure it was still Monday 23rd. It was crazy. It's like... you completely missed out one whole day. Like a whole day slipped you by and noone told you and you didn't notice it till it was the next. Creepy. All this whole day I thought it was Monday. Crazy.
So, well, anyway, I let myself convince myself that today really IS Tuesday and then I remembered what I did on Monday so all is cool.
Altho some stubborn part of me still wants to argue with the laws of space-time continuum and stomp my foot and obstinately INSIST that today is still Monday and this probably stems from some subconscious feeling of not wanting to accept the fact that I have yet again so predictably wasted another good day. Hrm. Yes. Psychology is good, no?
So anyway, on this fine TUESDAY, I have proposed to Van that we set up a Feed The Van™ Fund since she's been reduced to eating bird food for dinner. Altho bird food to her is those yummeee Great Grains cereals I love eating for breakfast. They taste good. Especially the Maple Pecan Crunch. Yummee. I think I will stock up on more later this week.
So yes. Who will join in my crusade? Who will be strong and stand with me? Somewhere beyond the barricade is there a world you long to see?
Right. Les Miserables digression. Could not help it for the love of God.
Speaking of miserable people, the CDs for episodes 5, 6 and 7 of Gilmore Girls didn't work!! Must be some cruel trick of nature! I forced myself to read the scripts off the net: Yea, if anyone's interested.
So, ...this reminds me. I have dance practice tomorrow. At 10am to be exact. I should probably get some sleep. Tata!
haha i do that for 6pm canton dramas. cherie yells at me for that. in her sweet, ladylike way of course.
aww thanks... i'm touched. so baby steps: whet my appetite with daily pics and unleash it all on me when i move to b2 :D
(it's just that i've been having great grains at least twice a day lately)
damn maths. if math wasnt around i'll feel a lot better about the amazing olympian speed of study break sprinting ahead.
*blur* huh? i yell at u for wad? u do wad for canton dramas? wad sweet ladylike way?? haha
gawd. i just dreamed that i missed the dance comp. like we were at home lazing around and someone looks at the clock and said oh look it's 2pm.
damn. it wasnt a very comfortable dream.
on the bright side, there's a play at 8pm in the audi on friday. do go. cherie and i would be so lonely.
ooo! play at 8pm? interesting. i think i will go. :)
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