Ahah. Nolah, by the Chinese Cultural Society.
But I had you there, didn't I?
The shiny happy people of the night. About to ciao for dinner after Joyce's performance (the last from P105).
Oh! And what's this? Hrm, lessee. It's my yellow bag with with... TOILET PAPER IN IT!! :O But how??
Gahahahah!! The Filching Sifu has done it again!! An innocent attempt at merobohkan-ing the toilet paper dispenser thingie in the toilets near the lecture theatre proved to be beneficial to Filching Sifu. She went home with an entire roll (and a large one at that) of toilet paper. Yay!
Aih. I will never understand the things she does.Luckily I offered to hide her loot in my bag. She most probably would have drawn attention to herself trotting around the auditorium with that load.
now that's a lovely picture of me.
you wouldnt want to know how we got past the security guards.
but really, if you really really really think about it, we paid for all these. yeah, beakers and all. so all is well.
oh and joyce and the five lost birds and hui hoon got in. if you havent heard. considering you stay with joyce and all.
and three's a nice number. and i feel like spamming. and you totally hate me dont you? haha
i tot they were called vegebirds. haha.
hahah. yea i heard from joyce redi. was surprised bout the vegebirds tho. honestly.
buthenagain, adam rocks.
yeah so was i. kept asking philip whether he was sure. he told me that they got really high marks. then again, he seemed as stunned as i am.
yeah man that crooning voice... almost as good as kang.
hah!! high marks???
honestly, they sound like spoiled machinery!! maybe having one really good person in the group made them get high marks.
my gosh. i hope the volleyballers dont read this.
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