Blog Archive

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Versatile, indeed.

Even during tough times and hazy days, us foosers still manage to find a special glint of hopeful joy.

The smiling happy people:

Only RM1 for a mask from Darren (a batchmate). And look! These masks are so versatile they can be used as miniature caps! They keep the hair off your face.

Still no rain. :~(


Anonymous said...

wow!!!!..ur fast!!!!haha

Anonymous said...

i think i look better in haze masks

Anonymous said...

man. i look good:D

so do you, naz. i think we're starting a fashion trend within a fashion trend.

(but still no rain for the miniature cap to protect head from:( )

Cherie said...

yes! we all look damn hot!

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