Feast your hungry eyes on this, dear girls and guys!! Tis I! Evil Octopi!! And I have come to conquer that planet which you call HOME! Bwahahaha!!! None shall survive my dreaded reign!! None shall survive the endless hours of torture and slavery I will undoubtedly put you through! No one will show more cunning and witticisms than I! And all ye shall look upon me as thy hero for years to come!! I shall capture all my enemies and those who have betrayed me during the First Battle! And I shall slay them and suck upon the juices of their eyes with the gross but highly detailed and interesting suction pads on my red blood-stained tentacles of pure unadulterated evil and doom!
All shall perish under me!!! Bwahahahah!! There shall be no escape once I land my spaceship on your shores!! Your military will prove no difficulty when I run over entire cities with my evil blood-stained tentacles of doom!! With a stroke and a fling, a million skyscrapers will shatter very much like 9/11. And all you helpless people shall run and scurry away in fear!! You shall hide underground, but I shall know about it!! And I shall upturn the soil on which the blood of a million brethren of yours have been spilled and I shall scoop another million or two of those hiding underneath and suck on the juices of their eyes using my evil tentacles of DOOM *orchestrated music designed to instill feelings of fear, shock, awe and incontinence* !!!!!!!!
So, plead, mere mortals!! PLEAD for your very lives!!! Your little worthless selves shall very soon be mine to torture and your meaningless souls shall always wander meaninglessly and aimlessly throughout this land of which you call home! PLEAD and BEG MERCY and perhaps I shall be kinder and make your deaths fast, quick and painless. Much unlike the deaths of my enemies and those who have betrayed me in the First Battle!! PLEAD!! PLEAD for Evil Octopi!! BWAHAHAHAHA!! Tis is too much, too easy! Earth to me is like a battle already won! You humans won't stand a chance! Your only hope is to PLEAD like the worthless fools you are!! PLEAD before Evil Octopi!!! PLEEAADD!!!!
Ok, Evil Ocotopi, which is I, am tired and shall go to rest before the nonsensical violence and torture that mere Earthlings like yourself will have to withstand once I land my evil spaceship of unrelenting doom upon your shores and conquer your lands before you fools realise what has begun. Begone now! Begone!! I shall need my rest. My evil blood-stained tentacles of DOOM shall rest too before I will replenish them with the juices of the eyes of Earth people such as yourself. Goodbye.
ok thaT was creepy. sure ya ok, naz? i mean, it diD rain yesterday, but still...
errrr....rite!!!!.....u must be missing sumone huh??*winkwink....
it's an evil octopus!
cant you see that?? sheez! :P
octopus = squidward, which rhymes which renard. aha! now i know why u joined the swimming competition...
aahhhh!!!! cherie...ur so smart..ur rite..but does it go even deeper??with the departure of mr. loh to nottingham...??is it??
jumping to conclusions, i see.
i shall keep mum about my intentions. *finger on lips*
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