Blog Archive

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Tres Tired.

Treasure hunt day today. Plus a lot of ciplak cupids and prolly not so ciplak somewhat pretty none-too-bad angels. And a few MPharmers who can't resist sibuk-ing with the orientation.

I'm just waiting for the Friendster friend requests to flood my Hotmail. Well, okay, maybe that's being a lil too pretentious.

But hey, there was this guy with the yoyo... who wouldn't notice say 4 hot chicks even if they screamed his name out into the reverberating halls of 8pm IMU. Geez. Picky picky.

If you know any guy who has the criminal mastermind of say Artemis Fowl, contact me immediately. Or Ee Lynn. It's urgent.

My whole body aches. A kind reminder to the fact that I've been standing for possibly 3 hours but let's not look at it that way. We had fun and I'm sure the juniors did too. Go Monkey Business. Perhaps the most sporting I've seen so far. Always a happy smile for signatures, that they are. Love the ape as well.

Ok, ok. I get it. I think it's time for me ol' trusty but unfortunately kranky-ed a bit (in Penang) and possibly obsolete-in-two-days punya cam and snap some much needed pics for tomorrow. Tomorrow, ALL the junior girls will look DAMN HOT!! IMU will be sizzling what with nurses and Japanese school girls... Whooa.

I tingle with mad anticipation.

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