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Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Ee Lynn.

Happy Birthday, Ng Ee Lynn!! She turns 19 this Saturday! =P We celebrated in Secret Recipe, Citrus Park after watching the BPharm's crossdressing thing and laughing till the cows came home.

Tee!! So happy in this one! Hahah! It hit her like a stunned dog.

Come to think of it, it hit me too. Noone told me about it. Figured out when I saw the man carrying over plates and a birthday candle after Van went to "ask where the toilet was". Yea, good job guys. Got me fooled. But Khai Yong, you shoulda told me. I left the real camera in the car. So you'll have to make do with Nokia 7610 pics.

Damien Rice - "Amie". Perfect song.

Oh, btw, Kah Wei got groped by a cheerleader today. Twice. I send him my condolences. But that's life man. You live some, you get some. He'll get through it, I hope. He looked pretty traumatized after that. Lol.



Anonymous said...

you forgot to add, male, before cheerleader.

wazzo said...


point taken.

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