Now, pics:
Went to the Reptile Park:Rinoa freaked out cuz there was a caterpillar on the turtle and it was crawling towards her.
Went to the beach:Made "sandcastles"...
Then destroyed them.
Went shopping at Gurney Plaza where we saw this really interesting photo. It's one of those photos where if you think dirty, you see something else. ;)
Went to Bukit Bendera:where Rinoa and Jessy got stalked by a whole group of say 12 or 13 Malay guys who acted like they've never seen a girl before. Sorta spoiled the trip for us. Especially when they were on the canopy walk. But I wouldn't know bout the canopy walk. I freaked out halfway and started to cry so Kah Wei sent me back. Hahah.
Somebody's house:
Some fountain:
Waiting for the Bt Bendera train to bring us back to ground level.
A really yeng pic taken by er, Renard, surprisingly.
Kah Wei's bar. I was taking the photo :P. And here, acting yeng:
In Kah Wei's living room with his family:

Second row(L-R): Mei Fong, Ning, Rinoa, Me.
Third row (L-R): Jessy, Kah Wei, Renard.
Belive it or not, more pics at
Hope Fong Che sends me more pics. My cam sort of konked out during the Reptile Park trip. Meh. Sadness.
the yeng picture by renard looks like a gravestone with y'all piled up on it. and i cant comment on the rest because dialup isn't allowing me to and i can be bothered clicking show picture one by one...
dial-up. poor you.
and yea, my mom's first reaction to the grey tower pic was "who's grave is this?"
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