Blog Archive

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

July is a nice name for a girl.

Really. Van is the only one pressuring me to update. My friend Leon has renamed his MSN nickname to Queen Kong and he keeps telling me to tell him all my secrets.

I just read Sharmini's personal statement and gave due comment.

I play The Urbz like mad. I went shopping for shoes today. I drove the Pajero today and noone got hurt. K maybe my passengers got a little shock from a little sudden stopping at a red light but it wouldn't have happened if my brother hadn't pressured me into driving fast to beat the yellow light.

See Cherie. Don't feel so bad about your driving now. My bro says I drive scary. And my mom agrees. And she says that 'with honesty' she says. Hehe.

Yea, I can't blame them.

I watched the first episode of Desperate Housewives today on 8TV. Don't worry. They censored all the love scenes. It's pretty entertaining. I hope the old TV downstairs still works. I'm thinking of bringing it along to Vista with me. Stuff like Desperate Housewives and Arrested Development can prolly sustain me throughout boring Sem 2 at IMU.

I'm dreading the 18th.

Kah Yee the girl who went to America is back and today is her birthday and they're supposed to celebrate it on Friday with clubbing but if the KL clubs are still being strict like hell, there's gonna be a lot of underage kids who can't get in. Ok, only 2 guys and a girl.

No pizza place.

Speaking of lame jokes, there's one you say to your friend who's in denial. You call her "Cleopatra, Queen of De-Nile". C'mon, say it out loud, you just have to. Hehe. Yea I know. Lame but still walking.

So anyway, I doubt the clubbing's gonna work with the old Cempaka gang unless they do it at Bangsar but they already did it twice and the last time they didn't call me up, I wonder why. Hmmm. Now they wanna go for this FHM event thing happening at Atmos and well, my past and only experience with Atmos tells me I shouldn't be trying my luck with the bouncers there till about November this year. Still waiting for news from Kah Yee, wondering what their final decision will be. Worse come to worst, I'll be home watching some lame crap half-assed movie on HBO or something trying to rehydrate myself with water. But it'll be fine. I'm not as bored as I make myself out to be.

It prolly has something to do with my days here being numbered. Shit shit. 18th. It's so bloody close.



Anonymous said...

yay. this is me registering my everlasting gratitude and appreciation at your update.

well who knows. maybe if you go at it enough, you'll become bosom buddies with the atmos bouncers.

eh when we finished sem1 exams, eeyan and aaron both raised their glasses and told me, here's to 6 months of vacation. sounds good really. and even if the world does decide to end on the 18th, you'll be seeing me. now doesnt that just break out the rainbows and singing bluebirds now?

Anonymous said...

the crickets are chirping tho.

but 6 months of vacation? hmmm.. sounds promising coming from seniors.

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