Blog Archive

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


So here I am at home updating with NotePad on my laptop cuz someone's using the house comp with the streamyx which is really slow nowadays. It's pissing off. My Time Broadband was much faster and I thought THAT was slow. So yea, I got home right after the Penang trip which was thoroughly exhausting and that's an understatement. Slept over at Kah Wei's for the last night and got a backache the next morning. It stil hasn't cured much. I blame this on the summative effects of the super-cold aircon in Kah Wei's hot mom's facial room (she's a beautician) and the slightly unfair sharing of a blanket with Jessycca. Let's just say she kept pulling off what little blanket I had to cover myself. Not on purpose tho, I'd like to believe.

Note to Steph: Hey the OK Ant Killer isn't really working I think. There's much less ants in my room but there's still quite an amount left of the heap of powder I placed on my table. Buthenagain, there's less ants so yea, maybe it IS working. But it doesn't look like the ants took much of the powder. Hehe.

Yea. So, updates.

I'm being raped by mosquitoes in my own home. Shit. I have an inkling that they haven't been spraying the area with that anti-mosquito spray thing that they usually spray the area with. So the air in my house is infested with an average of 0.745 mosquitoes per cubic metre. Work that out yourselves. It increases by prolly about 0.295 mosquitoes per cubic metre at night. Right now, I'm thinking of drawing you guys a graph of mosquitoes per cubic metre of air in my home against time of day. It'll prolly be like a sine curve or something. Now that would look cool. Damn mosquitoes. My right arm doesn't look very pretty now with about 32 bites. Fresh ones appear every few hours. Scary. I think I'll bug my mom to lodge a complaint of some sort to make them start spraying that anti-mosquito spray thing they're supposed to be spraying.

Still no Penang shots. Till possibly next Monday cuz that's when I'll go back to get my exam results. Shit. And possibly bring along my Physio module notebook to study for resit. Crap. I hate Physio. What a lovely end to my hols eh?

How come I can't help feeling like it's post-Sunway hols again? It's creepy. Everything just... keeps coming back.

Oh, did I mention I went shopping at the Jusco Card Member's Day yesterday? About RM180 splashed on RM5 t-shirts and 3 handbags cuz I couldn't decide which one was nicer. Hahah. I'm turning into a Jessycca. Already I'm deciding where and when we should shop come Sem2.

All that plus the Taking-Over-IMU-Pharmacy-before-Sem3 plan with Ee Lynn. It's the Tsunami Evil in us I tell you. It breeds with indolence.

I think I'm falling sick again. Actually, I think I did. No wait, it's more like I'm in sick limbo. Like, I'm on the edge of falling sick but not quite getting there and not quite getting any better either. Started with the whole super-cold aircon in Kah Wei's hot mom's facial room and Jessy stealing away the blanket.

I have Tau Sar Pneah tho. Reason to smile.

And a bunch of new clothes. Plus three handbags.

And that's an update.


Anonymous said...

shit monday??

crap. that's too... soon.

oh and congrats for updating. we're all very proud of you.

Cherie said...

mosquitoes..yeah...i almost miss the 28th floor..

Anonymous said...

hehe.....yes.yes...i think our plan is deliciosly evil...muahahahhahahahahahah......where is bald tommy?..hehehe

Anonymous said...

hmmm. about tommy, i seriously have to consider shaving him bald. a bit sayang, u know. a bad trait for evil-villains-to-be like us to have but perhaps we could come up with some other bald creature.

can we shave van instead?

Anonymous said...

hahaha...would she allow us to do that??....but we can carry her around n stroke her....darn it.....

Anonymous said...

i meant can' hand-eye coordination is so off

Anonymous said...

yes i know i'm hairy.-_-.

tsk tsk ee lynn. we need to go foosball!!

Anonymous said...

ooooOOooo..u know wat naz...when van brings home da orangutan...y dun we shave tat instead???

Anonymous said...

nooo!! poor orangutan!! with its pretty fur!!

ok ok. for the good of our universe.

Anonymous said...

for the GOOD of the UNIVERSE?

kl people are slightly sick.

eh seriously, results coming out when?

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