Blog Archive

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Trophy Beloved. =D

Yes. We won the Zook Out Dynamic Rave whatever weird name IMU Annual Dance Comp. So Yay for us! Yay!!

We really must must must thank Joyce. Her choreography was really good. I like her choreography.

Where are the pictures of the happy dancy people, you ask? Well, they're in Wei Li's camera so I have to wait until she decides to send them to me. Hahah. Relax. They'll be here.

We even took videos but, they're in a cassette so, no transferring to a comp. What a waste. Hehe. But hey! We won! First place. Don't care if the competition only had 3 groups! Lol. Jin Werne was all, "Remember, we aren't competing, we're performing" and hey, presto! First place! I'm almost as surprised as you are, if not, more!! =D

Hahah. Well, so, anyway, I took home the trophy (cuz nobody else wanted to) and went snappy snappy cuz we gotta return it in like a week or two. Hahah. Sad case. We get to keep the medals tho. Yay.

So has anyone heard of the song 'Wang Le Ai' by Toro? I think it's by Toro. And I think that's the title. That's what Ning named the file but how come a Chinese singer goes by that name? If he was a Latin singer, I wouldn't blink an eye. But anyhoo, it's a nice song nonetheless. It's really nice. Really. I'm gonna get some dinner now, pls, thanks.


Anonymous said...

aww that's a beautiful thing...

Anonymous said...

yup it's a nice song. toro was from the band energy but then he quit or got kicked out or smth. hehe.

Anonymous said...

congrats again to u guys!!! :)

wazzo said...

hehe. thanks! yea. its a nice song. splendid.

Anonymous said...

Congrats !!!! Mamak for you !!! Haha.....

Anonymous said...

hey naz.........congrats on that dancing thing..........did u video tape it???it would be really cool to watch...hehe.....

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