Darnit!! My bread expired YESTERDAY!! NOOoOOooOO!!! Why?!! WHY?!?
On the brighter side of things, I have diligently finished my Physical Chemistry revision. Yay! Now to study 60 pages of Inorganic Chemistry before I feel sleepy tonight. Sigh.
The trouble I put myself through. Somebody slap me.
yea. i kept it in the fridge. the bread i mean. i know u can still eat it. but you know, those moulds. always scheming to appear sometimes a day after the expiry date.
*slap slap* =)
but thanks. i needed that.
according to my dad, bread is still edible one day after it expires, chips, 2 months after they expire, and inhalers, 6 months after they expire.
maybe this is why my asthma never gets better.
on the bright side (for you) here i am awake at 6.30 in the morning to finish 6 physical chem lecs (and not starting yet)
my policy for bread is: as long as it's not mouldy, it can be eaten. haha
yea. i kept it in the fridge. the bread i mean. i know u can still eat it. but you know, those moulds. always scheming to appear sometimes a day after the expiry date.
thats why u gotta stuff them in the fridge asap.
like they always say, if you cant see it, they're not there. microscopes are just evil weapons of mass destruction.
omg my english sucks.
if you cant see IT, IT's not there.
yeap yeap. i got the same policy as cherie's. dont worry. i dont chuck the bread away until i see darned mould growing. :P
it's a very good policy. minimise wastage. haha
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