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Monday, April 10, 2006

Dear Pharmaceutical Microbiology,

Macrolides inhibit translocation of growing peptide chains for A to P at the 50S ribosome units of bacteria. Oh. Wow. Guess what. I don't give a shit. I don't care. Sheezums. Let them ribosomes do what they want sheesh. Live and let live yar?

And ciprofloxacin is a quinolone? Familiar as it is, I really don't care. Will quinolones affect my life in the near future? I hope to God not. I think the only thing I'll remember after all this PMicro test hullabaloo is over and done with is that Vancomycin is used to treat annoying Staph aureus buggers who decide they wanna become resistant to a whole range of good antibiotics. Meh.

The other day, someone told me cystitis was a respiratory tract infection. He/She couldn't be wronger. He/She must've confused it with cystic fibrosis. Ah, the lil dodgy bits of amusements in life.

Oh, PMicro book! You must be so infested with multiple strains of microorganisms collected from laboratory practicals but I still eat in front of you, scratch my eyes in front of you, touch my face after I've touched you. You see I really can't be bothered anymore.

Why must you have a hundred and seven pages to read? Is it to make my life much more depressing than it already is? Is this one of your dodgy lil bits of entertainment in your life? Are you conspirating with the buggers at Strathclyde? SIGH.

Oh, PMicro! Studying you is such a bore. Pls go die. And eat Streptomyces while you're at it.

Lots of love,


Anonymous said...

Hold on Naz, the foosball table awaits at Wednesday, 12 pm. I'm calling Basker the procrastinator to fucking bring the T3 table. Just a little bit more.

Anonymous said...

its over!! T3 COMING 2MOROW!

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