Or more formally known as Squiggle. She was this soft furry pinkish white baby bunny which our previous driver bequeathed to us because he was too lazy to take it home with him but in my humblest of opinions, I think he didn't want to take it back because she had on her mouth some case of ringworm which he prolly didn't want to deal with and subsequently he convinced my mom that it wasn't ringworm just so she wouldn't make him take it back. Then the maid grew fond of it and whatnots. Bla bla politics and stuff.
So anyway, this whitish pink little furry thingie could fit snugly in the palm of your hand and was damn bloody cute. We'd let her out into the garden to feast on the yummie grass and all she did was eat eat eat chew chew chew munch munch munch grass the whole day. Seriously. Bloody greedy lil thing. So no wonder about a month later, she grew DAMN FAT!! Like seriously!! Her stomach bulged and you had to use both hands to carry her instead of the usual one hand. Puh. She was a fatty.
Some nights, we get too lazy to catch her and put her back into the cage.
Early one morning after one of those nights, the driver found her remains in some bushes by the porch. Something ate her. Mereckons it was a biawak! Cuz they roam the area and once one even had the cheek to enter our house and shit inside it. So anyway, widdle Squigow had her head torn clean off her body and whatever animal that did it, chewed on it so bad you couldn't recognize it. Her body was kinda hollow like an empty bag of fur or something. Like the animal scooped out her insides and left the furry outsides.
The driver packed her remains in a bag and threw them into the forest nearby. Poor Squigow. She died but you know what she left me with?
Six months of ringworm which I contracted from her when I played with her during a bad bout of flu. Meh.
ewww...u are officially banned from the foosball machine
after falling in love i'm torned.... ='(
see la.who ask u to be lazy?!!
you guys arr.
sorry bout not taking care of the bunny lorraine. after the ringworm, i held a teeny lil grudge against it. hehe
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