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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The things I miss.

Sem2 is almost over. Not exactly over but almost over. It's tip-toeing on the cliffs ready to fall away. Never to be seen again. It's got one foot on the plane to Never Never Land and his ticket is for a one-way trip. We'll all miss Sem2 but ahh... such is life. All good things must pass. Just like your 100gm packet of Famous Amos Chocolate Chip n Macademia Nut cookies will inevitably finish. Unless you keep it without eating it. Then that would suck and would be a sad sad waste of RM7.90 and all that you end up with isn't satiation but a 100gm packet full of mouldy cookies.

Which brings me to my next thought: Do Famous Amos cookies have expiry dates? And if so, where are they printed?

After saying that, I feel very ignorant.

Being ignorant about Famous Amos expiry dates, I feel like there are other bigger and smaller things in life that I am ignorant about. And that that just came is the realisation that I'm not a very smart or highly knowledgeable person. And that that just just came is another realisation of what this might mean for my Physio examination. Hmmm.

Thought processes are funny things. Just like cheese.

Or maybe my friend Vanessa.

And perhaps all the other Kuchingites that I know.

And there's this Seremban guy whom all the "frugal" Kuchingites remind me of. And by Kuchingites I mean Kuchingite and that is Vanessa.

Onwards to more important things...

I shall be the dutiful P1/05 student blogger that I am and begin ranting about the Physio exam. Here goes:

Physio sucks.

Yea. A lot!

There. Done. My room is really cold.

Oh yea!! Omg. I saw Van waxing her legs!! Wah. She screamed a lot. Wonder why she still puts up with it. But it was fun lor. How many times a year will you get to see Van waxing ha? Then the wax-ed plastic thingie had little bits of hair stuck to it which was really cool. I should have snapped a picture. But oh well.

And then she prolly got angry and mutilated her cute rubber ducky which Emily gave to her. .... .... . ... ... *whistles*

Here's a note to Ee Lynn: EYE CANDY! ONLY! Remember? :P

So anyhoo, I caught this nasty fat lil arsehole of a mosquitoe back in my room in Dsara:

It's blur cuz I stuffed him in a plastic container and wanted to take photos of his humongous red fat ass. It was huge! Filled with the bloog of the innocent residents of the Dsara room. Ha! But wait!! Look at this!!

Inside the trash, he can terrorize us no longer! He is banished from this land!! And all the blood he wil return to their rightful owners by way of lickation meaning I lick the blood off and have it go back into my system cuz that's my haemoglobin you're wasting dammit!! My cells do hard work to make that from me DNA and you go around wasting it on your little precious mosquitoe babies!!

Physio drives all people nuts. It's been said and it'll be said till kingdom come.

Oh I'm listening to The Get Up Kids again... That's your cue btw so hero HERO come save me now.

And maybe bring some blueberry pie. And maybe the whole of East London or wherever that other girl is. And bring back my Sem2 while you're at it. And all those days of slacking. Thanks.

I owe you one.

1 comment:

wazzo said...

oh but manly he still is.

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