Blog Archive

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Wise men say, only fools rush in.

But I can't help falling in love with you... Shall I stay, would it be a sin? If I can't help falling in love with you.

That song catches me like fishbait to a fish and brings me along with it kicking and screaming along the rocky ocean waves. Evil stuff this.

Speaking of bodies of water, I ate escargots the other day. Creamy stuff them. Even after my dad painted a nasty picture of the brains, intestines and squishy parts oozing snail juice. Hah. Disgust-the-kids action plan didn't work! *beam*

"Tuesdays with Morrie" by Mitch Albom. It's worth a read. Made me tear up at the end and that's usually a good thing. Didn't really take to heart any of the multitudes of aphorisms available in the book but the saying goodbye part hit a little hard on me tear duct nerves.

Yea, yea, it's been said. I'm a wuss. A sucker for sob-stories.

And morbid ones too (Contact me if you have Six Feet Under Season 1).

And anything out of the ordinary.

Oh, look! A whole pile of laundry to iron, fold and place neatly in the wardrobe! Yay!


Anonymous said...

sumone's becoming lovesick!!!!muahahaha........tell me whooo!!!!! not forsake me, my not leave me in da dark..hahaha...damn..i am bored!!!

wazzo said...

yea u are. dont you go feeding attention to that overly imaginative mind you have! for the record, that song started playing when the blogging page loaded. =)

PS: you have nothing on me. you HEAR?! NOTHING!! buhuhuahhahhahha!!!

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