Blog Archive

Monday, May 16, 2005

Let there be you, let there be me. Let there be foosball under the sea.

Or oysters. Whatever.

This is it! I have to thank Cherie for her good photographing skills!!Yes!Aah. The much feared Khai Yong Post Shot Pose ©. Now you know how you look like during foosball. =D

Yeah! I got the ball!!Kah Wei and Vanessa having fun. Shit man. Kah Wei's foosball learning curve has a bloody steep gradient! He'll be kicking my ass by Sem 2!! NOOoOOoO!! NOOoOOoO!!
Kah Wei: *girly giggles* Ahahah! I got the ball!! *girly giggles* Ahahaha!! Yay! Foosball is SO fun!

And last but not least, a thin film of pure Tsunami Sweat © glistening upon the rod.Whoosh!I'm thinking of proposing this to Ee Lynn. It can be our official logo for the Tsunami Twins. Tee hee! *girly giggles*

Oh and Vanessa said that Dr. Mak isn't bad-looking. o_O. Ooookkkaayy... *snatches BioPharmacy books away from Van* I think you've been studying too much!

Foos United, indeed. 'Nuff said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oooh that;s a beyootiful picture of me. t=\ake iot opff. i guess it;s pretty ob\bivous i'm typing this without a chair.

ohj and show me the beakers. i wanna see the beakjers.

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