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Friday, May 13, 2005

Friday nights are...

...lonely. Boring. Frustrating. Blood pressure increasing. Absolutely annoying. Undeniably useless. Extremely frustrating. The ultimate letdown. Overrated. Dark and scary. Unforgiving. Hopeful yet deceptively unrelenting. Hostile in a way. Cold-hearted and cruel.

But, wait, you say. Aren't Friday nights good because they signal the start of the weekend????? Yea, yea. It does. And it does it damn well. Buthen the start of the weekend just indicates another week has just passed you by. Another unproductive week has gone past. Another week in which you wasted your ass playing foosball and DOTA-ing when you know you've got a Chem test next week. Another week in which you *know* you should be doing the stuff you were supposed to do but you just aren't doing it. And then the weekend comes and it's just another reminder reminding you you haven't done them. Lovely. Just what I needed.

Yea, good luck thinking Friday nights are the bomb.

Just so I don't sound like an all-hating, angst-ridden, vengeful teenage uni student, I think I like Saturday nights a lot. I have a lot more energy then. My mind thinks a lot better then. I do better stuff then. I don't think about all the things I should have done and another week that I have wasted not to mention the week coming that I'm about to waste as well.

Sometimes I think I don't know what to do with my life. I have it, and I don't know what to do with it. I know what to do with it, but I just don't want to do it. I have the time to do it, but I just don't feel it's important or interesting enough for me to do it. Then the things I had to do will undoubtedly become the biggest regrets of my life. Sigh. Mengeluh. Sometimes I really don't know what to do with myself.

If you know, pls tell me. Oh and pls flood the comments and chatterbox. The chatterbox is feeling lonely, oh, so lonely tonight. Thanks. It thanks you in advance. Good chattterbox. Yes. Good chatterbox, indeed.

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